Forever Absorbent C



Forever Absorbent-C® provides an easy, delicious and advanced way to supply your body with its daily recommended value of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is an essential part of anyone’s diet. It’s the ultimate nutrient when it comes to staying healthy when life has you on the go. Yet it’s estimated that only 10 to 20 percent of adults eat enough fruits and vegetables to maintain optimal levels of this crucial vitamin. That means most of us have a pretty big gap to fill when it comes to having an adequate amount of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is among the safest and most effective nutrients, helping your body protect itself against immune deficiencies, cardiovascular problems and aging skin. The antioxidant properties fight free radicals to protect your body from oxidative stress, which contributes to aging.

Forever Absorbent-C® provides an easy, delicious and advanced way for you to make sure your body is supplied with your daily recommended value of vitamin C. We combined vitamin C with honey and oat bran to pack in a triple play of all-season wellness.

Oat bran helps support immune function and assists in your body’s absorption of vitamin C. Honey adds flavor and natural sweetness, mingling perfectly with the vibrant orange flavor.


• Supports and boost the immune system

• Improve growth and repair damaged body tissue

• Fight bacteria and viral infections

• Powerful antioxidants

• Maintains healthy blood vessels

• Maintains a healthy gum and teeth

• Improve proper circulation

• Dissolves blood clots

• Alleviate night blindness

• Provide collagen for skin and bones

• Supports healthy skin and nails

• Slow down ageing process

• Easy way to get daily value of vitamin C

• Delicious natural orange and honey flavor

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